Monday, October 10, 2011

Private Investigation

The year so far has been quiet exciting. By exposing myself to a whole new persona, I realized that its not easy to get out of your usual self. When I tried my hands on some of the newer patches of activism, I found out that its comical. You want to change the whole world and suddenly you see support thriving. You drew strength from them and you start the process, you jump on to the sea. You believe that together, all of us, can achieve what we are so enthusiastically pursuing. This is even more pertinent when you realised that all our innate passion about this cause will take us nowhere but to a glorious future. Of course, I forgot to factor in a very important aspect of life. Commitment! 

The commitment was not that strong as we thought it would be when it actually came down to doing things. All the usual ogres popped out their ugly heads with their shinning teeth to munch away as much as possible. Even it they realised that this will finally kill the future that we wanted. The death is imminent at the very end but it was never expected to be so swift. I am surprised, awed and amused to see how people can speak their smart speech in public and their visionary thoughts were well appreciated. Now, we wanted to graduate to the next level which is to get action as against only speaking. Basically, we wanted to walk the talking together. 

And, then came the bitter realisation that all that shines is not gold. I realised it exactly as it supposed to be meant. We all saw it glittering from far away and when all of us wanted to sit back and enjoy shinning gold without getting into the mud and shine it through. We lacked commitment and resolve to bring the golden glory to our objective. I now think it was never meant to be and what we looked and, those few who actually toiled, that it was still a time that was worth spent. We lost a vision but we never lost our dream. And, we will not stop. At least, I will not stop. 

I find this as a welcome change in my otherwise humdrum mechanical life. The experience and thrill of walking through the unknown waters and your belief that life is alright just after this stretch is simply bewildering. Let the times roll and we will find the goodness in it. 

Will there be Justice for all?

Music and food are two most intensely loved items in this world. There are very few things in our lives where we can say that we can actually say that we love it or we dont. To me, music and food are those elusive factors in our lives where we can be honest. But, like many other things in our 'constantly' changing lives, these fantastic elements have also changed their intrinsic character. People are confused as they are exposed to a glut of information, comfort and knowledge. A normal human brain like mine can only retain a few things which is almost universal in all of us, I presume. Music is love for live. Food is the passion in life. Music enthralls the mind and kicks in that high. It can be classical music, western music, folk music or just a tune that you were humming since that day when you first kissed her. It can be anything that you love to sing, even in a soar throat.

I am amused at how people can compromise their so called love for music for the sake of tag/ social status and to earn that air of being 'cool'. The idea is that I am cool because I attended the biggest metal band performance in the country. What if I don't know about their most critically acclaimed record, their most influential number and why, there is still an urge for people to earn this coveted tag of 'being cool'. Yes, it is but obvious that people don't want to listen to metal music when they are not in a queue to earn that badge. they would pass sarcastic remarks that why this is better than the other one and how. But will you stilll love to watch some old hands bang their voices and their strings in the most hoarse sound as possible? Yes, you will remember, I used to dislike them and I still do. But I have to bang my head and play the air guitar to show that I love them too.

I don't understand why anything should have a brand value attached to it. If you love it, then you love it for the reason it is. You don't love it for the brand value that it has created over the years. But you love it for it allows you to unwind in that music. You can release your anger, love, compassion or what ever mood that you are in. This can be done only through your inner rhythm rhymes with your taste of music, whatever that may be. But over the years, we have lost our own identity among ourselves. We used to love Bryan Adams but now we dont say it. Why? Oh! This is for kids who want to rock. I am not a kid as I have matured in listening to rock music. I no longer listen to Bryan Adams or Micheal Learns to Rock or even The Beatles or Elvis. I am more of a Metallica/ Pink Floyd fan now. This is superficial. Inside, you still like them but don't muster the courage to admit it. I reason why not. If you love something, you should keep on loving it. And, yes, you can be a fan of Bryan Adams, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Metallica, MLTR, Keb Mo, Miles Davies or The Moody Blues all at the same time.

Does it forbid us to not listen to Bollywood numbers? Yes, if you believe in trends and no, if you believe in test of time. Why do we disown any local band or artist just because he sings more closer to earth he was born? Why is it that it may not be fashionable to listen to a Baul song, or watch a Bharatnatyam or a Mohammed Aziz's number from a Bollywood movie from 1980s? Its alright. You can love it and you dont need to hide it because people may laugh at it. They may think what a bizzare and out of fashion music taste that you have. However, in the course of time, what you will earn, while others keep on running after keeping apace with new trends, that you will become a trend in yourself. And, you will be proud of it.

The idea should be to appreciate what you love. Then, there will be justice for all and you will be master of your loved puppets.

Enjoy the music! Live it!